One Flame Source Incubator
Life-changing 6 months program

What we have prepared is an innovative approach to support you through your unique process of awakening, with guidance and connection of Source One Flame energies.
Both of us, Tina and Karl, will offer you the warmth, the light and the wisdom of Source, that we translate into this realty through our presence, being and dedicated work.
We can assure you, that the path of awakening is experienced similarly by each individual and that especially in the beginning, you don't possess the knowing or the capability to help yourself.
Further along the path, you encounter obstacles and situations, which can be seemingly universal, but always have a unique twist for each individual soul.
In tune with our soul's agreement and the experiences we've accumulated through years of our own processes, as well as our readings, sessions and workshops with clients, the unique »One Flame Source Incubator« came into existence.
It is an intense 6-months process of expanding your awareness and consciousness, connecting with your parallel lives, your Soul's blueprints and your source Self, integrating it all into this life, so you can become an awake and aware creator of what you experience.
You will also receive clear directions on how to continue your Soul's path on Earth as well as in other dimensions.
The Energy Incubator consists of the following 6 modules:
SESSION 1 – Individual counseling and reading
In our first session, we'll reveal your basic Soul constellation or matrix. Through both of our channels your guides, Source energies, fractals,…or however you might perceive them, will give you the information you need to obtain a clear picture of your current situation and position on Earth.
Within this first session, we'll also set up the needed safe space for your energy work for the next 6 months. In this way you can safely and securely access your Higher self, Source, Information and energies, which you will need for your transformation, transmutation and the final clearing.
Within this session you can ask your questions and will receive the answers directly from Source. In case you have none, you'll be presented with directions and insights. In any case you will be RECIEVING as long as you set your clear intention to ALLOWING and ACCEPTING.
Duration: 2-3 h
After 14 days we'll meet again, this time online (Skype/Zoom) to answer your further questions that will arise, to bring beliefs and emotional patterns into your awareness and to ensure the activation of your energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
SESSION 2 – Source Self Connection – Earth Akasha
33 days after our first session we'll meet again for an individual Source Self Connection therapy, performed by Tina, where you'll be guided by the energies of One Flame in an altered state of consciousness (deep meditation/hypnosis) to look into your parallel physical lives and connect with your Source Self.
This experience is similar to a Regression therapy, yet uniquely developed by Tina – a Source method of bringing insight and understanding into your current earthly situations and issues. It is important to bring a new level of understanding of your earthly relationships with others and that with yourself into your awareness.
Learn more about the SSC session here: Source Self Connection
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
After 14 days we'll meet again online (Skype/Zoom) to answer your further questions that will arise, to bring beliefs and emotional patterns into your awareness and to ensure the activation of your energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
SESSION 3 – Soul Constellation – Earthly Constellation
After 33 days of processing the SSC therapy, you'll meet with Karl on Soul Constellation, an energy transformative therapy.
In this phase we'll focus only on the earthly constellation, which is the temporary constellation of your soul.
Learn more about the Soul Constellation session here: Soul Constellation
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
After 14 days we'll meet again online (Skype/Zoom) to answer your further questions that will arise, to bring beliefs and emotional patterns into your awareness and to ensure the activation of your energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
SESSION 4 – Source Self Connection – Connecting with your Source Self
33 days after the Earthly Soul Constellation with Karl, Tina will once again take you through SSC into your outer earthly reality, to the source of your Soul and into your awareness which holds focus on your eternal and unlimited Source energy. You will start to see beyond the illusion of this realities restrictions and begin to truly expand your awareness of self as an eternal being of Source.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
After 14 days we'll meet again online (Skype/Zoom) to answer your further questions that will arise, to bring beliefs and emotional patterns into your awareness and to ensure the activation of your energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
SESSION 5 – Soul Constellation with the 12 Pillars of Creation
33 days after your second SSC experience, you'll meet again with Karl, who will open up and guide you through the portals to Source wisdom, to the Source of your energy being and you'll finally create a connection between your eternal soul's constellation with that of you as a human being on Earth.
Until this point, everything within the Source Incubator acts in the direction of enabling you to gradually build your bridge – your Antakharana.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
After 14 days we'll meet again online (Skype/Zoom) to answer your further questions that will arise, to bring beliefs and emotional patterns into your awareness and to ensure the activation of your energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
SESSION 6 – Incubator switch off
33 days after the second Constellation session, you'll meet with both, Karl and Tina, to finally switch off the Incubator. For you will reach the point, where you no longer need the additional light and warmth. You will be ready to step out into the world and begin to hear and see yourself in every moment of your life as an I AM being,
The One Flame Source energies will give you answers to any questions that might arise and connect YOU to YOUR OWN source of energy.
Duration: 2 - 2,5 h
The purpose of this kind of work is to transform and transmute energies, which are old or not even yours, to make space for new energies to enter and activate.
It is an individual soul support work and at the same time it supports the Source energies.
On the first session an individual guideline program and the schedule of the following sessions are set. Of course, this being simply a guideline, as the sessions are always carried out intuitively, guided by the Source energies.
After 6 months of intense work you will become a new version of yourself, one of unconditional respect and honor for yourself and of course for all the present and supportive energies.
To apply for the Source Incubator, send us an email to 144@one-flame.com
Energy exchange: 2.220,00 €

"The idea of this being our last appointment is of course sad to me. You two have supported my process with practical tools I can use to navigate my everyday life, answered my questions and supported me in hearing my soul speak about my desire for boundaries and expansion. In countelss ways I have benefitted from being held in this sacred space with you and Karl. I am forever grateful I answered this call to work outside the mainstream. My time, energy and money invested in your program was the absolute prefect energetic exchange and one of the best decidions I made all year in honoring my truth.
I hope to be called to work with you in 2022 as well. My deepest respect always.
Stephanie R."