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Dragon Hill  Portal

 Herbal Alchemy
Handmade Insence, Salts & More

One Flame Incense is handmade by Tina, consisting of home grown herbs and sacred resins. The recepies are guided by Source and it's aspects creating blends of fragrances that touch your Soul by triggering the memory of your Divine Source Self, Higher Frequencies and Life Energy.

The herbs will wisper to you, choose the right blend by listening.

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original ancient recipe

Price: 33,00 eur

1 pack - 4 pcs

This secred scent of Ancient Egiptian Temples is prepared acording to the traditional ancient method and recipe with a blend of 22 energy activated elements, which tune your frequnecy to your timeless Source consciousness triggering your process of remembering your own true Self.

Kiphy opens portals of your Soul...

»The connection with Source wisdom, aspects, collectives,…can take place in all undistorted clarity only in a state of awareness, that you are one with and equal to these energies. In the divine Source state of presence 'more' and 'less' is nonexistant, noone is above or below another, there's noone to serve and no one to rule over. By accepting yourself as a whole and in awareness of all that you are, you are an undisputed equal to all versions and manifestations of Source.

 In that moment of divine respect, devotion, grace, you'll recieve the inflow of knowing, wisdom and guidence you are searching for.« - Isis

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Earth Dragon Spirit

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Envoking the Dragons and the Wisdom of Earth, bringing you stability, consciousness and power of manifestation.

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Fire Dragon Spirit

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Envoking the Dragons and the Wisdom of Fire, bringing you life energy and power of creation.


Tripple Goddess

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Incense for work and invocation of the Tripple Goddess, bringing your energy into balance and activating your connection to the wisdom of the Maiden, Mother and Crone. 

"Grasping the understanding of Trinity is the path from Duality into a wider perception of yourself and all there is. Alow yourself to dive into and discover the tripple spiral of Source Feminine wisdom." - The Crone


Black Salt

Price: 9,00 eur

1 pack - 10 ml

Black Salt is an energetically activated blend for protection of any negative energies or influences – negative intentions, emotions, triggers directed at you or present in your surroundings.


Suggestions for use:

° Wear it on you for energy protection or put it in your space, on your office desk, altar,…

° Add a pinch of Black Sal to the cleaner you use for the floor or surfaces in your home


° Sprinkle it at your doorstep or around the house so no negative energies can enter.


° Use it for creating your sacred circle when doing energy work or meditation.


The One Flame Black Salt is already energetically activated for protection and sealed.


Larger amounts for your energy work are available. For further information write to:



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Wisdom of Isis

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Supporting your work of stepping out of the imprinted princess wounds and begining the Wounded Priestess path of healing.

It awakens the soul from the matrix spell into the rememberance of it's Divine Source Femine flame of Wisdom.


Serves as a powerfull envocation tool for Divine Feminine aspects - Isis, Inanna, Lilith, Magdalene, Sekhmeth, Kali.

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Water Dragon Spirit

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Envoking the Dragons and the Wisdom of Water, bringing you balance and awareness.

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Lower Astral Banish

Clearing & Protection

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

A powerful incense blend for clearing your energy and physical space of all lower astral energies and creating a strong field protecting you from any intrusion attempts.


The interaction with the lower astral/negative energies or entities can be the result or side effect of soul agreements. These can be rescinded through clear self-awareness and by exercising your Source right to dismiss any intrusion into your space or energy. Your soul is fully aware of this right, yet can activate it in its full power only when your mind brings it into its awareness and acts on it with a clear set intention.


This blend holds the frequency to activate this awareness.

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Priestess Activation

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Activating your Life Energy by invoking the Triple Goddess, who will support you in the release of deep-rooted fears and help you remember your unalienated right of choice in every single moment of your life.


"The choice of an Emotion, which guides you into creation of Thought, Word or Deed, is your own Source right, the awareness of which had been erased in the moment you’ve entered this Earthly reality.


To Remember is to step into your own Source power." - Triple Goddess



Guidence & Protection

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

This Incense blend invokes and activates a connection with the Prime Dragon Collective.


Timit is the Divine Feminine energy of the Red Dragon Mother presence, who creates an impenetrable protective energy shield and guides you through challenging situations, offering you clarity and awareness.

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Shield of Dragon

Protection & Prosperity

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

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Air Dragon Spirit

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

Envoking the Dragons and the Wisdom of Air, enhancing the powers of your mind, communication skills and supporting new beginnings.


Oracle Dream

Sleep & Dream Work

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 40 ml

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Dragon's Blood

Price: 12,00 eur

1 pack - 10 ml

Dragon's Blood resin oil is a highly potent energy protection and amplifier of energy work.


It holds the vibration of the FIRE element.


Its power is amped up with the essential oil of Patchouli, which also gives the oil its mesmerizing magical elemental scent.


Suggestions for use:

° Rub a few drops of the Dragon's Blood oil onto the palms of your hands or your soles – in this way it will act as powerful protection (at work, in meetings, in big crowds, at family gatherings,…)

° Anoint your energy/magical tools with the oil to enhance their power (candles, incense, amulets, wands,…)

° To enhance your energy powers and connection to higher realms, anoint your palms and/or forehead (before energy work, therapy, healing, channeling, meditation,...)

Anchor 1


If you wish to receive your own uniqe blend tuned to your current frequency as well as a wish, focus or goal, contact us at 

Price: 44,00 eur / 40ml

A personal blend is also prepeared for you with the DRAGON CRONE READING.

(Shipping cost are not included in any of the above prices. We'll let you know, according to your country, before confirming your order.)


"I've received a package of Dragon Hill incense blend today, which had been caressing me while it was being created in Tina's hands. Indescribable energy. It gave me strenght in an instant and calmed me down. I highly recommend it. Thank you Tina, for everything."

"I've received a package of Dragon Hill incense blend today, which had been caressing me while it was being created in Tina's hands. Indescribable energy. It gave me strenght in an instant and calmed me down. I highly recommend it. Thank you Tina, for everything."

"I've received a package of Dragon Hill incense blend today, which had been caressing me while it was being created in Tina's hands. Indescribable energy. It gave me strenght in an instant and calmed me down. I highly recommend it. Thank you Tina, for everything."

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