Dragon Hill Portal
Source Self Connection
Hypnosis Session

"Pain of Awakening" Energy Art by Tina (Galery)
During this one-on-one session I will guide you into an altered state of awareness or deep hypnosis, which allows you to connect to your Source Soul Self/Higher Self – the Source of all that you are beyond time and space.
In this state you can access the archives of your Soul, the Akashic records, as well as the wisdom that is part of your infinite consciousness.
Each session is unique and tuned to what is best and important for the soul to receive. Often the Soul Guides or higher aspects step in to guide you through the insights with the intention of expanding your awareness of the reality, life circumstances, beliefs, relationships you are experiencing in the given moment.
This is a powerful tool for retrieving your soul's fractals that are stuck in moments of emotional trauma experienced in other lifetimes. In this kind of moments, emotional imprints and beliefs are created impacting your lives until the moment your fractal is reunited with your soul.
Each returned fractal creates a shift in your perception of self, your relationships and reality. It upgrades your awareness and clarity.
During the session a powerful dialog is opened between you and your Source consciousness, giving you the opportunity to receive clear answers to your questions as well as guidance for upgrading your present life experience.
The last part of the session is an energy healing, a deep healing of your energy body, which cannot but resonate and manifest in your physical body.
The duration of an SSC session is about 3 hours. After a conversation to highlight the issues that need to be addressed and looked into, I will guide you into the altered state of awareness or the hypnosis part, which lasts for about 1,5 – 2 hours. Do know, the perception of time in that state is altered and time seams to go by significantly faster than it does in the earthly measured terms.
The session is based on the QHHT method by Dolores Cannon, which I have been certified to practice in 2016. Yet, my technique is different as it has evolved into the SSC through my personal expansion of awareness, the work experience with clients and the guidance from my own Source aspects, guides and collectives I continuously work with and learn from to remember.
My work is highly intuitive and the SSC session may include my Source Frequency healing technique supported by my Tibetan bowl.
All you can do prior to a session is to set a clear intention and be prepared to accept what you will be presented. With the intention given, the process of shifting your awareness begins. Clients often experience insightful situations, shifts or even changes in their lives, before the session takes place.
You can prepare up to 5 questions for your session, or problems you'd like to understand and overcome.
Recommendations to improve the quality of your experience:
- eat light before the session;
- drink enough water the day before the session. Water is a strong conductor of energy and information. If your body is well hydrated it will be able to process and receive more of the source energy codes;
- keep your schedule free after the session, avoid unnecessary interaction with others or work. You'll need some quiet time for yourself. Clients respond differently to this experience, some are full of energy after and others need rest and quiet time. Whichever it is, it is important to follow your intuition;
- wear comfortable clothes for the session and come in with curiosity, an open mind and without expectations. You will receive exactly that, which is needed, yet not necessarily what you think it should be;
- should you choose a Zoom session, make sure you have a quiet and comfortable space, where we can work undisturbed (from humans and pets). Make sure your internet connection is stable, have your headphones ready and place your computer or camera in such way, that I can see your face and upper body;
- on the day and a day before the session restrain from alcohol, caffeine or other stimulants affecting your mind, body and awareness.
In case you are taking any kind of psychoactive medication, make sure to inform me before we schedule a meeting.
The session is recorded. You will receive a recording in an mp3 format for your personal use. Do know it is meant for you and your further work on your awareness. Handle it with respect and think well before considering to allow anyone else to listen to it.
DURATION of the session: 3,5 hours
SESSIONS with Tina are avaliable ONLINE via Zoom or IN PERSON in the space of OneFlame.
To book your session write to: 144@one-flame.com

Group Regression

After a relaxing meditation and visualization exercise, which tunes you into the Source frequency, I will guide the group through either two past/parallel lives or one life and a transformative experience of connecting with their Spirit Guide(s).
The recommendations for a better experience of a group regression are the same as those for an individual session (look above). The differences between these sessions are a few - in the group regression you cannot ask questions and communicate with your Source Self in the same way as in an individual session and the depth of work is restricted as I cannot work with each soul individually. Prepare a pen and paper before the session, so you can write your insights and experience.
Duration: app. 2 hours
Min. participants - 4
Energy exchange: 45,00 eur/person
Group regression with Tina is available via Zoom or in person at a location of your choice.
Should the location be further than 25 km from the OneFlame address, travel expenses will be charged.
To book a session, contact me at 144@one-flame.com or 070 899 682
I do offer Group Regressions via Zoom. Check under Events or sign up for our Newsletter, so you don't miss our upcoming events.
You'll find the subscription form below or simply write an email with »Newsletter« to 144@one-flame.com.

"Dear Tina,
I'm writing to you a month after our session. I want to tell you that now I perceive situations, where I put myself in a subordinate position, very intense and clear. Well, it's crazy. The way I have lived for so many years not perceiving my own energy, is absurd to me today. Now I see where my energy was going and practically the cause of all things that were happening to me. Wow! is all I can say really. Of course, in certain situations I will still act instinctively, exactly the same as before, but now, in an instant, I realize, recognize and try to react differently. Crazy really when I look back at how much shit I unconditionally took on without realizing it. Now I’m trying to bring all of this into my awareness and must say I’m getting pretty good at it. I am extremely grateful to you for this experience.
It took me a long time to accept all of this and I am still learning how to eradicate the old patterns and step out of them.
Thank you. Thank you for opening my eyes and helping me see the truth and remember my power to create change. It is a massacre, but worth the effort." - A.
"Thank you for all your work, that is incredibly uplifting.
I wanted to let you know, that, for the first time in my life, I have opened my mouth in all clarity and calmness, I have expressed my emotions and opinions and I have chosen all of this in full awareness myself. I did not try to please anyone around me. I even told my ex boss all that was so heavy on my heart and stopped cooperating with that covert psycho environment. The response was surprisingly calm. Whatever she is thinking or talking about me behind my back is her responsibility now.
I am so proud of myself for not going into feeling powerless or the need to be in power and stand above. It was really the first time, Tina.
Thank you so much for all your effort, energy and guidance." - U.