POWER OF THE SUN - Great Central Sun Light Codes
Thu, Dec 26
|One Flame
Transformational Energy Transmission (ENG/SLO)

Time & Location
Dec 26, 2019, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia
About the event
(slovensko spodaj)
The power of the Sun is the power that cleanses, balances, warms and enlightens. It is the light, the energy, that lightens up the dark part of humanity, so it can be equally visible as the bright part of it. It brings balance to the duality of the Human program and with it enables the new Golden energy of Source, to gain strength in anchoring into those parts of souls on Earth, which are stuck in the imbalance.
We could talk about balancing the feminine and masculine energy, but there's much more to it than such a limited perception of the unlimited.
In this transmission the energies of One Flame will create a safe space, a portal, a corridor through which Source codes of the Sun behind the Sun will be anchoring into those stuck parts of your Soul – the anchoring of the Great Central Sun codes.
These codes will activate and light up those parts, which you were not ready to accept until this moment and they are essential for the further existence of your Soul in the year 2020, if you choose to get through it without great burns from the intense Sun.
New Source Golden energies are arriving, which will not wait for souls, who are not ready to move from their comfort zone. With this transmission they are sending a Source Sunscreen with a stronger UV. If you should go looking for it at a pharmacy, you will not find it. Instant solutions on a soul level do not exist.
Pharmacists and humans never take responsibility for their own lives. Those of you, who will receive the call, will, by accepting these new Great Central Source Sun codes, also receive a Gift – a light up new part of your path to YOURSELF.
TRANSMITTING on 26.12.2019, from 18:00 to 19:00
This is a long distance transmission, it will take place beyond time and space, but as we do need a reference point, to connect to the transmission you should relax or meditate for about 30 – 60 min at 18:00 – 19:00 or any other point of the day, if you choose so, on the 26.12.2019 – Day of the first Solar eclipse following the Winter equinox (22.12.).
To join in the transmission, write to us: 144@one-flame.com
Energy exchange: 22,00 €
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/karlribic
For other means of transfer, write to us.
With uncompromised respect,
Karl & Tina
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/444229816507322/
Moč sonca je moč, ki prečiščuje, balansira, greje, osvetljuje. Je svetloba, energija, ki osvetljuje temni del človeštva, tako da postane viden in enak svetlemu delu. Torej uravnoveša dualnost človeškega programa in tako omogoča novi zlati energiji Izvora, da se močneje sidra v dele duš na zemlji, katere so obstale v neravnovesju.
Lahko govorimo tudi o balansiranju ženske in moške energije a gre za veliko več kot zgolj za takšno omejeno dojemanje neomejenega.
Na tokratni transmisiji bo v energijah One Flamea postavljen varen prostor, prehod, koridor skozi katerega se bodo v te vaše obstale koščke duše sidrale izvorne kode sonca izza sonca – kode Izvornega sonca.
Aktivirale, osvetlile vam bodo delčke, katerih do sedaj niste bili pripravljeni sprejeti in so za nadaljnji obstoj duše na zemlji v letu 2020 nujne, če hočete živeti brez prevelikih opeklin zaradi »premočnega« sonca.
Prihajajo nove zlate Izvorne energije, ki ne bodo več čakale na duše, katere se niso pripravljene premakniti iz cone udobja in sedaj v tej transmisiji pošiljajo Izvorno kremo za sončenje z močnejšim UV. V kolikor jo boste iskali v lekarnah, je ni moč kupiti. Instant rešitve na dušni ravni ne obstajajo.
Farmacevti in ljudje itak ne prevzemajo odgovornosti za svoje življenje, vi k vas pokliče pa boste z sprejemanjem novih kod Izvornega sonca sprejeli tudi darilo – osvetljen nov del poti do SEBE.
TRANSMISSIJA – 26.12.2019 od 18:00 do 19:00
Transmisija bo potekala na daljavo, onkraj časa in prostora. V zemeljskem dojemanju si vzemite čas, se sprostite ali meditirajte 30 – 60 min med 18:00 in 19:00 ali kadarkoli tekom dneva 26.12.2019 – Dan prvega Sončnega Mrka po Zimskem Solsticiju (22.12.).
Če se odločite priklopiti na transmisijo, pišite na: 144@one-flame.com
Energijska izmenjava: 22,00 €
PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/karlribic
Podatke za druge oblike plačila prejmete na mail.
Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem,
Karl & Tina
Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/events/444229816507322/