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REMEMBER YOURSELF - Source Feminine Activation Portal

Thu, Dec 12


One Flame

11-day process of awakening the Source Feminine (ENG/SLO)

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REMEMBER YOURSELF - Source Feminine Activation Portal
REMEMBER YOURSELF - Source Feminine Activation Portal

Time & Location

Dec 12, 2019, 6:00 PM – Dec 22, 2019, 8:00 PM

One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia

About the event


Source Feminine energy activation portal 12.12 – 22.12.

As women in this reality we are drowning in a flood of demands, expectations, direction and continuously raised levels of goals, which as such are unattainable. What you keep missing is the fact, that these are raised by the system, the society, the human program, which sole intention is to keep you in a state of unfulfillment, in a belief that you're just never enough and to keep you away from the awareness of your true power you own in your essence.

As a woman you must be strong, determinate, responsible and at the same time loving, serving and compassionate. You are never beautiful, smart or successful enough, but should you seem to be, you are being judged and pushed into an existence and functioning on the level of male energy, suffocating your source Feminine flame and covering your core essence.

It is time for you to remember, to awaken your Source Feminine energy and awareness of your true being. Each one of you carries this Source energy of creation within, the power of choosing every single step in your life based on respect and honor for yourself.

An energy portal is opening between the 12.12. and 22.12 releasing a strong wave of the Source Feminine awareness into the human collective, allowing to anchor and awaken within those who choose to shift.

We'll hold two workshops and ongoing transmissions within this portal, activating your Source Feminine consciousness with the clear set intention for you to remember: * HONOR * * RESPECT * * WORTH * YOURSELF!

These are the basics you still don't allow yourself to comprehend, even less so to live by.

FIRST GATHERING 12.12.2019, 18:00 – 20:00

The 11-day activation will start with a gathering on the 12.12. in a circle of women, where will start the process of remembering your awareness, which you have forgotten, through energy work and anchor it into the core of your soul through a guided meditation.


After the gathering you will be receiving daily messages from the source feminine aspects supporting you through your process.

SECOND GATHERING 22.12.2019, 18:00 – 20:00

We will meet again on the 21.12. a day before winter solstice, the shortest day of the year which our ancestors worshiped as the birth of the Sun. This day holds the frequency of creation, new energies and growth and that is what we'll be anchoring together and each for yourself. You will receive an individual message of the source feminine to guide you on your further path to creating a new life for yourself.

You can join us in person or in a long distance transmission, in this case you will receive a guided meditation for the 12.12. and the 21.12. along with the daily messages to guide you through your process.

REGISTER by mail:


For the gatherings you need:

- Comfortable clothes,

- Meditation mat and a blanket,

- Water

With uncompromised respect,

Tina & Karl




Portal aktivacije Izvorne Ženske energije 12.12. – 22.12

Ženske se v realnosti, v kateri živimo, utapljamo v poplavi zahtev, pričakovanj, smernic in vedno višje zastavljenih ciljev, ki so nedosegljivi. Kar ne vidite je, da so tako zastavljeni namenoma s strani sistema, družbe, človeškega programa, katerega edina namera je, da vas drži v stanju nezadovoljstva, občutku da niste nikoli dovolj in v ne zavedanju moči, ki jo nosite v svojem bistvu.

Ženska mora biti močna, odločna, odgovorna a hkrati ljubeča, uslužna in sočutna. Nikdar ni dovolj lepa, pametna in uspešna, a ko to doseže, je obsojena in prisiljena v delovanje v moški energiji, ki zaduši njen izvorni ženski plamen in s tem prekrije njeno bistvo.

Čas je, da se spomnite, da prebudite svojo Izvorno žensko energijo in zavedanje tega kar ste. Vsaka izmed vas nosi v sebi Izvorno energijo kreacije, moč odločanja in izbiranja vsakega koraka v svojem življenju na osnovi spoštovanja in cenjenja sebe.

Med 12.12. in 22.12. se odpira energijski portal Izvorne ženske zavesti, ki se bo v tem času intenzivno sidrala v zemeljsko realnost.

Delavnice in transmisije, ki bodo potekale v tem času, te bodo odprle v aktivaciji tvoje Izvorne ženske zavesti. Namera, ki je že podana, je da se spomniš: * CENJENA * * SPOŠTOVANJA * * VREDNOSTI * SEBE!

Osnove, ki si jih še vedno ne dovolite razumeti kaj šele živeti.

SREČANJE 12.12., 18:00 – 20:00

11-dni aktivacije Izvorne ženske zavesti bomo pričele s srečanjem 12.12. ob 18:00 V krogu žensk, kjer bomo skozi pogovor na energijski ravni sprožile proces spominjanja zavedanja, ki ga nosite v sebi a ste nanj pozabile. Sidrale ga bomo z vodeno meditacijo v dno globine svoje duše.


Po prvem srečanju, boš vsak dan prejela sporočilo aspekta Izvorne ženske zavesti, ki te bo vodilo na tvoji poti spominjanja.

SREČANJE 21.12., 18:00 – 20:00

Aktivacijo bomo zaključile s srečanjem 21.12. dan pred zimskim solsticijem. Na najkrajši dan v letu, ki so ga prednice častile kot rojstvo sonca. Preporod sonca nosi energijo kreacije, novega, rasti in to energijo bomo sidrale skupaj in vsaka zase. Prejela boš svoje individualno sporočilo Izvorne ženske energije za usmeritev kako nadaljevati svojo pot kreacije življenja zase.

Pridružiš se nam lahko osebno ali na daljavo, v tem primeru boš prejela posnetek meditacije za 12.12. ter 21.12. in tako kot vse, ki boste sodelovale, dnevno sporočila, ki te bodo vodila skozi proces.

PRIJAVE na mail:


Za udeležbo na srečanjih potrebujete:

- Udobna oblačila,

- Podlogo za meditacijo in deko

- Vodo

Toplo vabljene,

Tina & Karl


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