Self Worth - Time to re-evaluate Yourself!
Wed, Nov 06
|One Flame
Transformative energy activation of Source Self (ENG/SLO)

Time & Location
Nov 06, 2019, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia
About the event
Self-worth had been distorted on Earth and infused with the energy of the self-confident narcissistic functioning to an extent, where it cannot express itself or be perceived as it had been originally presented or written by Source, while still remaining only as a fractal on the path of Source awareness of self.
On Earth humans measure their own worth by the worth others assign them with, which is based mostly on material possessions or success in a career. You carry a price label around your neck that states your value and on different occasions each year, especially in the season of black Fridays and holidays, that label says 50% Off or Sale, which in the Source language means a complete devaluation of self or complete absence of self-worth.
No one ever literally buys you, because that is not how it works around here in this time, but they do step into your space, use and abuse you and leave you in the shopping window for the next by-passer. Let's be clear, this goes for everyone, who functions within the human program, but there’s the narcissistic male energy, which in daytime stands in front of the windows raising the value of that which is in auction, the first bid being extremely low to begin with of course, and at night they cry in the dark, because they don’t have the courage to stand in the shopping window themselves.
This time the One Flame Activation will help you see that price label hanging around your neck. It’s time you get rid of it. Know that whatever price is on it, it had been given to you by the illusion of the male program and is the price called out by the surroundings, which has no self-value of their own what so ever.
Now is the time for you to hang a new label around your neck saying – PRICELESS.
Join us on Wednesday, 06.11.2019 at 18:00,
either in person in the sacred space of One Flame or you can join us from home, in which case you will receive the channeled message from Source in a written version.
In both cases you will receive, what is meant for you, as the two of us always keep to our obligations and duties.
To choose to participate, well, that is your right.
Energy exchange: 33,00 €
If you've decided to join us, write to:
With uncompromised respect,
Karl, Tina & One Flame
EVENT on Facebook:
SAMOCENJENJE Transformativna energijska aktivacija Sebe
Cenjenje sebe je na zemlji vibracijsko tako spremenjeno in nabito z energijo samozavestnega narcisoidnega delovanja, da se enostavno ne more izraziti tako kot je bilo Izvorno podano oz. napisano in je le en delček na poti Izvornega samozavedanja.
Na zemlji se ljudje cenijo toliko kot jih cenijo drugi in to v osnovi po materialni posesti oz. uspehu v karieri. To pomeni, da imate okrog vratu listek z ceno na katerem piše koliko ste vredni in imate večkrat na leto, predvsem v času raznih črnih petkov in praznikov na njem napisano 50 % popust in totalna razprodaja, kar v izvornem jeziku pomeni totalno razvrednotenje sebe oz. necenjenje sebe.
Še kupi vas na zemlji nihče, saj to ni možno, lahko pa vam vstopi v prostor, vas izkoristi, in pusti v izložbi za naslednjega, ki pride mimo.
Da se razumemo to velja za vsakega, ki deluje znotraj zemeljskega programa, le da narcisoidni moški podnevi povečini stojijo pred izložbo in dražijo kar je na dražbi, izklicna cena je že itak nizka, ponoči pa se jočejo v temi, ker si sami v izložbo ne upajo.
Ta Aktivacija sebe vam bo pokazala ta listek, ki ga imate okrog vratu in ga ne vidite. Čas je, da se ga znebite saj karkšnakoli je cena na njem, je postavljena v iluziji moškega programa in je cena okolice, ki ne ceni sebe.
Čas je, da si okrog vratu obesite listek – NEPRECENLJIVO.
Pridružite se nam v sredo, 06.11.2019 ob 18:00,
v živo v prostorih Izvornih energij One Flame-a ali iz udobja vašega doma z aktivacijo na daljavo. V tem primeru boste ob energijski aktivaciji prejeli kanalizirano sporočilo Izvora v pisni obliki.
V vsakem primeru boste prejeli natanko to, kar vam je namenjeno, saj se midva brez izjeme drživa svojega dela dogovorov.
Odločitev ali boste sodelovali, je, kot vedno, vaša.
Energijska izmenjava: 33,00 €
Za prijavo pišite na:
Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem,
Karl, Tina & One Flame