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Sun, Dec 01


One Flame

Soul Reading 2020 - Throughout December

Channaled messages and guidence from Source for the shift into the coming year (ENG/SLO)

Registration is Closed
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 Soul Reading 2020 - Throughout December
 Soul Reading 2020 - Throughout December

Time & Location

Dec 01, 2019, 9:00 AM – Dec 31, 2019, 7:00 PM

One Flame, Ulica Pariške komune 19, Maribor, Slovenia

About the event

Each soul in this Universe as it departs from Source, from home, makes a choice to shift into a new state of existence, of being and of awareness.

Every living being, every human, who chooses to exist in the earthly reality and within this human program chooses a shift in each moment and with each choice it makes.

A New Year is a milestone here on Earth, determined by the human program. This milestone is defined and framed by 365 days and as such it is an artificial border within the artificial parameter of time and space.

The human body has been created for such milestones and its functioning is strongly affected by them, the way it makes choices for further shifts and paths is just one of such.

We call it wishes and goals.

One Flame is offering you readings, messages from Source for the coming year of 2020.

You have many questions and many goals. But even those of you who don't, will receive further guidance for the coming year, if you set your intentions, for a soul does not need a question to give you an answer.

A soul is quiet until it has the chance to speak and that is when the body and the mind are silent.

Throughout December Tina and Karl will translate the messages of the Source flame, of your soul and guides to guide you through the next year.

The year 2020 will be a great shift for those of you, who have been working on your self-awareness. Many opportunities to expand will be offered, at the same time many bridges will need to be burned behind.

If you hear the call, write to us and schedule your reading:

We offer the readings in person, online or in writing, however feels right to you.

You can also choose a reading with Karl, with Tina or with the balanced Source energies of both.

Energy exchange: 2020 Reading with Tina or Karl - 111,00 € 2020 Reading with Karl & Tina - 144,00 €



SPOROČILA PREHODA - vstop v 2020


Vsaka duša v vesolju se ob odhodu od Izvora, od doma, odloči za prehod v nekakšno novo stanje bivanja, delovanja in zavedanja.

Vsako živo bitje na zemlji, vsak človek, kateri se odloči za bivanje v zemeljskih realnostih in v tem človeškem programu se vsak trenutek, ob vsaki odločitvi odloči za prehod.

Novo leto je na zemlji mejnik, katerega določa človeški program. Omejeno je z 365 dnevi in je umetno postavljen mejnik v umetno postavljen parameter časa in prostora.

Človeško fizično telo je ustvarjeno za takšne mejnike in na podlagi tega tudi tako deluje in se ob teh postavljenih mejnikih tudi odloča za nadaljnje premike in prehode. 

Temu pravimo želje in cilji. 

One Flame vam tokrat z ti. readingi oz. sporočili prehoda predaja Izvorna sporočila, za leto 2020. 

Veliko stvari vas zanima, veliko ciljev imate. Tudi če jih nimate, vam bodo ob nameri za sprejem nadaljnih smernic za naslednje leto, le te predane, kajti duša ne potrebuje vprašanja, da poda odgovor.

Duša molči do takrat, ko ima možnost da spregovori in to je takrat, kadar telo in razum molčita. 

V mesecu decembru vam Tina in Karl z prevajanjem sporočil Izvornega plamena, vaše duše in vodnikov, predajava smernice za leto 2020.

Leto 2020 bo vsekakor velik prehod za duše, ki so do sedaj delovale v smeri zavedanja sebe in bo omogočilo veliko prehodov ter hkrati rušenje mostov za seboj.

V kolikor vas pokliče, je potrebna rezervacija termina na;

Predaja sporočila je možna osebno v prostorih One-Flamea, na daljavo preko skypa ali pa pisno. Izberete lahko reading s Tino, z Karlom ali z uravnovešenimi Izvornimi energijami v prisotnosti obeh.

Energijske izmenjava:

2020 Reading s Karlom ali Tino – 111,00 €

2020 Reading s Tino in Karlom – 144,00 €

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