Transmisija Izvornih Kod / Transmission of Source Codes
Wed, Jun 22
|Long distance
na daljavo / long distance

Time & Location
Jun 22, 2022, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Long distance
About the event
(scroll down for english)
22 je število, ki predstavlja popoln balans med moško in žensko energijo.
Popoln balans pomeni, da se tekom transmisije, vaše energije v fizičnem telesu, katere v svetu dualnosti delujejo izven balansa, uskladijo s pomočjo svetlobnih kod na Izvorno frekvenco.
Vsakega 22. v mesecu poteka transmisija Izvornih svetlobnih kod s to namero na daljavo.
Midva vzpostaviva prostor in kot sprejemnika prevedeva energije v Izvorni prostor Transmisije. To je prostor na katerega se tekom transmisije, z namero priključite vsi vi, ki na njej sodelujete.
Terapija deluje izven omejitev časa in prostora, zato se lahko na njo priključite čez cel dan, ko se le ta izvaja.
Namen je predvsem energijska podpora napornim procesom v teh kaotičnih časih.
Tekom transmisije boste prejeli svetlobne kode, energijske trigerje ter življenjsko energijo, potrebno, da vzdržujete in širite svoje zavedanje.
Sporočila in uvide, ki jih prejmeva, vam posredujeva na mail po transmisiji.
Več o transmisiji in kako deluje:
TRANSMISIJA – 22.5.2022, od 18:00 do 19:00
Transmisija bo potekala na daljavo, onkraj časa in prostora. V zemeljskem dojemanju si vzemite čas, se sprostite ali meditirajte 30 – 60 min med 18:00 in 19:00 ali kadarkoli tekom dneva.
Prijave na:
Energijska izmenjava: 22,00 €
Podatke za druge oblike plačila prejmete na mail.
Se vidimo!
Karl & Tina
The source or universal Life energy is never changing, it is us who shift into more clarity and wisdom through work and processes of activating and accepting our Source Soul wisdom.
The One Flame Transmissions serve as energy support and activation of Source codes/keys which help you to remember more within this earthly consciousness and to disconnect from the matrix infused passiveness and helplessness.
Just as we need food and water for our physical bodies to function, we need Life energy from Source for our soul aspects to keep their remembrance alive and active while the earthly program is trying to intervene and disconnect us.
It takes strength and wisdom to come to the understanding that nothing and no one can disconnect you from your Source program.
The significance of no. 22 - it represents the perfect balance between the masculine and feminine energy.
What you can expect during the transmission are light codes, energy triggers and life energy needed to maintain and expand your awareness in the here and now.
Supported by the One Flame portal, Karl and I create and hold a safe energy space for souls, who choose to connect with their own Source Consciousness.
We also receive insights and messages for the group and, if needed, for individual souls within it. Those are sent in written form by mail after the transmission.
More on One Flame Transmissions, which are held monthly, every 22nd of the month, and how they work:
The transmissions are long distance, beyond time and space. In our earthly perception take 30 – 60 min of deep relaxation or meditation with the clear intent of connecting to our transmission. If the time 18:00 – 19:00 is not suitable for you to find a quiet and undisturbed place, you can meditate anytime during the day of the transmission.
Write down your insights, visions and/or emotions, they might serve you in an unexpected moment. As they might not be clear when they come through, you'll learn to understand them in the days after through situations and happenings in your surroundings.
To join the transmission write to: Energy exchange: 22,00 € PayPal:
With uncompromised love, honor and respect,
Karl & Tina