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Sat, Aug 15



Transmission - Remembering Source Wisdom

Long-distance Source Sun Light Code Transmission (SI/ENG)

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Transmission - Remembering Source Wisdom
Transmission - Remembering Source Wisdom

Time & Location

Aug 15, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM


About the event


(scrol down for eng)

Po zaključenem procesu prehajanja skozi Lion's Gate portal se boste znašli na novem teritoriju - na novi vibraciji zavedanja, katera je za vaše dosedanje delovanje iz perspektive zemeljskega dojemanja nepoznana.

Prehod vam omogoča dostop do integracije Izvorne modrosti, delovanja in kreiranja v fizični realnosti na frekvenci Izvornega spoštovanja, cenjenja in ljubezni, zavedanja sebe in svoje Izvorne pravice do izbire. To je modrost vaše višje zavesti, vaše duše, ki se je vaš zemeljski del pričenja spominjati, v kolikor ste se odločili odklopiti od matričnega delovanja v služenju in predajanju vaše Življenjske energije.

Transmisija je namenjena tistim, ki ste pripravljeni sprejeti svetlobne kode Izvornega Sonca teh vibracij in prevzeti odgovornost njihove integracije v vaše vsakdanje življenje in delovanje.


Kode oz. energija ti. Zlate dobe je bila vedno prisotna na Zemlji, a tokrat je človeštvo pripravljeno sprejemati oz. integrirati to energijo postopoma, odvisno od nivoja zavedanja posameznika in seveda kolektive, v svoje energijsko polje in fizično telo.

Ker vsi poznate sonce, katero nas greje in nam daje svetlobo in življenje, sva se odločila, da vam s serijo transmisij na daljavo omogočiva da lažje prejmete to kar ste pripravljeni sprejeti. Istočasno boste med temi transmisijami spuščali, kar ste pripravljeni spustit.

Nova Zemlja, Zlata Doba itd., vse to je tukaj in sedaj in midva sva pripravljena, da vam predajava to na kar boste z vsem spoštovanjem pripravljeni

TRANSMISIJA – 15.08.2020, od 18:00 do 19:00.   Transmisija bo potekala na daljavo, onkraj časa in prostora. V zemeljskem dojemanju si vzemite čas, se sprostite ali meditirajte 30 – 60 min med 18:00 in 19:00 ali kadarkoli tekom dneva.   

Če se odločite priklopiti na transmisijo, pišite na:    

Energijska izmenjava: 22,00 € 


Podatke za druge oblike plačila prejmete na mail.   

Z brezkompromisnim spoštovanjem,

Karl & Tina   

Facebook link dogodka:



After completing the transition process of Lion's Gate you will find yourself in a new territory - a new vibration of awareness unfamiliar to your earthly perspective and your way of functioning up until that moment.

The transition gives you access to integrate Source wisdom, experience and creation in the physical reality at the Source frequency of respect, honor and love, of self-awareness and your Source right of choice. This is the wisdom of your Higher Self, your Soul, which is yet to be remembered by your Earthly aspect. And you shall remember, if you have made the choice to discontinue your matrix experience of servitude and forbid the harvesting of your Life energy.

This transmission is intended for those of you, who are ready to accept these Light codes of the Source Sun and take the responsibility of their integration into your daily life, being and creation.


The Codes or energies of the so called Golden Era have always been present on Earth, only in this time humans are finally ready to gradually receive and integrate this energy into their energy field and physical bodies, depending on the individual level of awareness as well as that of the collective.

You all know the Sun, that keeps you warm, gives you light and supports life, but there's more behind that.

We have started a series of long distance transmissions, anchoring Great Central Sun Codes, through which you are able to access the Codes that you are ready to receive and at the same time, you will be releasing old imprints and energies, which no longer serve you.

New Earth, the Golden energies and more are ready, we are ready to support your connection and hold the space for you, so you can receive what you are ready for, with all your respect.

TRANSMISSION – 15.08.2020, 18:00-19:00 CET

The transmission will be active beyond time and space. Within your earthly perception you should take 30-60 min time to relax or meditate between 18:00- 19:00 CET or anytime during the day.

If you choose to connect to the transmission, write to us:

Energy exchange: 22,00 €


With uncompromised respect,

Karl & Tina

Facebook event link:

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